It all starts with a story

"Making goods that have a aged look, that will stand up to daily life,  takes a lot of elbow grease, back woods alchemy, and a dash of mountain ingenutiy"

 I have always been fascinated by aged things, time, and wear leave there mark,

change is the only constant in nature.

 The things we make are, hammered, filed, cut, and worked by human hands.

I create functional goods from natural and scrounged materials,

 using the elements and traditional techniques, letting each leave there marks.

Each detail is carefully worn to achieve a unique piece, with a rich time worn look and personality.

Each piece is made with a careful eye and steady hand. Every detail is carefully worked,

creating well worn relics, with unique personality and feel.

​ We strive to craft quality goods that hold up under real world use​.

The Process

 "Reclaimed and natural materials form the creative base of the works."

In a effort reduce our dependancy on fossil fuels we use wood charcoal as fuel. The pine wood charcoal that fuels our forge is locally harvested in a sustainable manner.

 Outlaw Forge is built upon a commitment to traditional craftsmanship, functionality, and a unyielding attention to detail. 

 "For more information on our techniques and insight to who we are please check out, Beyond the Cabin Door blog (Coming Soon)."